A day trip to Mangapwani beach can be enhanced by a stop over at the ruins of the various Sultans Palaces along the coast. The closest is Maruhubi Palace. This impressive palace built for Sultan Barghash at the end of the 19th Century was destroyed by fire at the turn in 1899. There are interesting remains of the bathing areas. Mtoni Palace, was built at the beginning of the 19th Century for Sultan Said. This was a massive complex and was the house where Princess Salme was born. Only the main central structure remains relatively intact and provides an idea of how impressive the Palace once must have been. Beit el Ras Palace is still further up the the North Road out of Zanzibar near the teacher training School. This palace was constructed by Sultan Said but is now in a sad state of repairs. To reach the Persian Baths, simply turn left off the main North Road at Bububu and travel for a few Kilometres until you see the baths on your right. The baths are still relatively intact and interesting for a short visit.
Price per person: US$40
Eastern & Southern Safaris Kenya Ltd
Finance House, 6th Floor - Loita Street
P O Box 43332, 00100, Nairobi GPO Kenya
Tel: +254 720 682 001
E-mail: info@essafari.co.ke | essafaris@yahoo.com