info@essafari.co.ke +254 20 2242828 / 2212371 / 2251574
Location: Nairobi
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For those without much time for long safaris, here is a list of short excursions from Nairobi whose time ranges from 2 hrs to 2 days. These are particularly ideal for travellers with stop-overs in Nairobi or those in Nairobi for business.

ESSK 001 Nairobi City Tour (including August 7th memorial Park) – 5 hrs
This tour includes a drive through the city centre, the central business areas with views of KICC and the Parliament Buildings. The tour now also includes a visit to the August 7th Memorial Park, where the former US Embassy stood before it was bombed by terrorist on August 7th 1998, causing the deaths of 218 innocent people and injuring thousands of others.

Within the Park is The Peace Memorial Museum, which was created and designed within the Visitors Centre to honour those who lost their lives, as well as to tell the stories of those who survived and for those whose lives were changed forever. The images and exhibits on display are meant to educate the public on the appalling consequences of terrorism and sensitize visitors on the need for peace, tolerance and reconciliation. By the end of the museum tour it is hoped that each person will be inspired to support peace. Your tour will end with a visit to the Kenya National Museum.
Price : Per Person US$70